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All the information and material of whatsoever nature displayed on our website, or any part of it, is provided solely for your interest and is of a general and educational nature only. It does not constitute legal or other professional advice of any kind and is for guidance purposes only. Whilst we endeavour to update our site regularly the information may not necessarily reflect the most current legal developments, nor can it be applied to all situations. Therefore, and prior to taking any action of any nature following a review of this site which may have legal, financial or any other consequences, you must first seek personal advice from us, or another suitably qualified professional. Corlett Bolton & Co do not accept any liability for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered following reliance on any information recorded on this website.
This website contains links to web sites maintained by other individuals and organizations over which we have no control. Corlett Bolton & Co does not provide any warranty or give any undertaking of any nature with respect to the privacy, data protection, accuracy or completeness of any of those links. All risks arising from any use of their sites by any User following a link from our website is assumed by the User, who keeps Corlett Bolton & Co indemnified and held harmless against any loss so arising.
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