
Horizons Independent Social Work

14 December 2020

Horizons Independent Social Work and Consultancy Ltd is a local company offering a variety of services that may be of use to parents who are separating or have separated and are having difficulties in communicating and planning for their children. They provide an excellent professional service in relaxed client focused environments.

From 2020, they are pleased to be able to offer bespoke work with separating parents including where domestic abuse has been a feature in the relationship. The course aims to see parental separation through the eyes of the child and identify behaviours within our ex partners and ourselves which are problematic with the aim of being able to prioritise the child’s needs going into the future and parent together successfully.

They have experience in completing anger management work with clients, life story work for children to help them understand their family situation, supervision of contact for parents, reports for the Court and counselling for adults, children and young people.

You can reach them on their Facebook page, email or by telephoning 465582 to discuss requirements.